
  • September is National Gum Care Month!
    Can you believe it's already September? At Dr. Kozuch Dental Care, we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t recognize Read more
  • Overall Health Can Be Influenced By Oral Hygiene
    Keeping on top of your oral health is key when it comes to making sure your whole body stays healthy. The bacteria that occur naturally in your mouth can produce Read more
  • Taking Charge of Your Dental Health
    Now that you’re a teenager, you have a lot more responsibility and independence. Choosing high school classes and electives. Getting a driver’s license. Landing your first job. And those new Read more
  • Dental Filling Options
    You’ve made an appointment at our Swedesboro, New Jersey office to treat your cavity, the decayed area has been removed, and the site has been cleaned and prepared for a Read more
  • Should I have TMD treated? Why?
    TMD occurs when your bite is not properly aligned. It can cause the jaw to experience unnatural stresses and prevent it from resting properly when your mouth is closed. If Read more
  • Flossing Fixes
    A length of floss plus your teeth is about as low-tech as it gets. But, as with so many other “simple” skills, it helps to learn just the right technique Read more
  • Crushing the Ice-Chewing Habit
    It's a habit many people have and not only can it be annoying to the people around you, it can be detrimental to your dental health. Chewing ice is so Read more
  • What is a root canal?
    A root canal entails the removal of the nerve supply from a tooth. If you know the purpose of a root canal, the process may seem a little less intimidating. the Read more
  • Dental Insurance Benefits
    Dental insurance can be a great addition to your health care plan, but the way benefits are calculated can also make it a confusing one. If you have dental insurance, Read more
  • Don’t let a dental emergency ruin your summer vacation!
    For many of our patients at Dr. Kozuch Dental Care, summer means a season of relaxation, vacation, and outdoor fun and activities. While you can’t take a vacation from dental Read more
  • Fluoride Use in Adolescents
    Fluoride is a mineral that plays an essential role in oral health. In fact, the significant reduction in American tooth decay in recent decades can be attributed to a greater Read more
  • Do You Have an Ageless Smile? Let Us Help You Keep It!
    In your golden years, you’ve become a pioneer in tooth care. Yours is probably the first generation in history that can expect to keep most of their natural teeth for Read more
  • Adult Mouthguards
    You make sure your daughter wears her mouthguard to every soccer practice. Your son doesn’t step on the basketball court without his. Why not protect your smile as well? Athletes of Read more
  • Healthy Summer Foods
    It’s summer—that wonderful time of year when fresh and delicious produce abounds. the doctor will tell you that your teeth, gums, and tissues all rely on an appropriate mix of Read more
  • Is sleep apnea linked to cancer? Studies say, ‘Yes’.
    Recently, multiple studies have concluded that people with sleep apnea, a disorder that causes snoring, fatigue, and dangerous gaps in breathing at night due to throat muscles collapsing, are five Read more
  • Memorial Day: Parades, remembrance, and the unofficial start of summer!
    “The purpose of all war is peace.” - Saint Augustine Fire truck sirens, baton twirlers, marching bands covering patriotic tunes, colorful floats, costumes, and millions of red, white, and blue American Read more

Contact Us

Dr. Kozuch Dental Care

(856) 467-0606

Beckett Village Prof. Ctr. 520 Beckett Rd. Suite 100 Logan Township, NJ 08085 (856) 467-0606